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    Guide for Adaptation and Resilience Finance

    Mobilising capital for adaptation and resilience

    A practical roadmap for investment

To mobilise finance for adaptation and resilience — and help investors, commercial banks, and other financial institutions consider these themes in financial decision-making — we need to understand and recognise the investment potential.

For every $1 spent on adaptation this decade, an economic benefit of $12 could be generated.

The Guide for Adaptation and Resilience Finance sets out what constitutes adaptation and resilience finance. It includes a practical roadmap for financing and over 100 investable activities, including climate-resilient crops, public hospital infrastructure investment, and mangrove conservation and replanting.

It seeks to provide confidence to investors looking to allocate capital to adaptation projects, as well as to companies looking to raise capital for adaptation and resilience products, solutions, or other investment opportunities.

About the Guide

  • Developed alongside the market

    With KPMG, the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and more than 20 leading institutions.

  • Defining adaptation and resilience

    Setting out a common reference for adaptation and resilience.

  • Affluent icon NEW

    Creating a framework for investment

    Simplifying the decision-making process and identifying priority investments.

Why adaptation and resilience finance matters

Climate change is already having an impact across our market footprint. The latest United Nations analysis underlines the need for urgent action, with 2023 marking the hottest year on record amid rising sea levels and the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather.

Standard Chartered is committed to helping communities and businesses adapt to these impacts, build resilience and provide an opportunity for them to thrive in the long-term.