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Standard Chartered has launched Sustainable Finance Variants of Borrowing Base Trade Loan
3 October 2024
Standard Chartered Group Head of Conduct, Financial Crime and Compliance, Tracey McDermott to retire
1 October 2024
New deal demonstrates opportunity to scale finance for carbon removals
11 September 2024
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Notifications under DTR 5: If you are sending a TR-1 Notification, please send it to Investor.Relations@sc.com and Group-Corporate.Secretariat@sc.com
Manus Costello
Group Head
Phone+44 20 7885 0017
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
David Lock
Head of Sellside
Phone+44 20 7885 0023
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Opeyemi Awosunle
Senior Manager
Phone+44 20 7885 5226
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Darren Clark
Managing Director
Phone+44 20 7885 5172
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Tessa Chin
Personal Assistant
Phone+44 207 885 8888
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Isabellah Ekudde
Executive Director
Phone+44 20 7885 5340
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
London team
Investor Relations, London
Phone+44 207 885 8888
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
Yiu-hon Chan
Managing Director
Phone+852 6710 7186
AddressSC Bank Building, 4-4A Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong
Michael R. Hinchcliffe
Senior Manager
Phone+852 5506 8793
AddressSC Bank Building, 4-4A Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong
Hong Kong team
Investor Relations, Hong Kong
Phone+852 3843 0460
AddressSC Bank Building, 4-4A Des Voeux Road, Hong Kong
Jeremy Lim
Director, Investor Relations
Phone+65 97115523
Address8 Marina Boulevard Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore 018981
Hubert Wee
Executive Director, Investor Relations
Phone+65 90272754
Address8 Marina Boulevard Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore 018981
Investors Relations, Singapore
Phone+65 90272754
Address8 Marina Boulevard Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1, Singapore 018981
Daniel Banks
Head, Debt IRs & Ratings
Phone+44 207 885 6329
Address1 Basinghall Ave, London, EC2V 5DD, United Kingdom
KFin Technologies Ltd
Registrar, Mumbai
Phone1 800 3094 001
AddressSelenium Tower B, Plot Nos. 31 & 32, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal, Hyderabad 500032, India
Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services PLC
Registrar, Hong Kong
Phone+852 2862 8628
Address17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Hong Kong
Computershare Investor Services PLC
Registrar, UK
Phone+44 370 702 0138
AddressThe Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol, BS99 6ZZ