For Companies
Simple and smarter banking to help you save, spend and get rewarded
One-stop solution for all your transactional and payment needs.
All your banking needs fulfilled in a single account.
Enjoy attractive interest on your BND and Foreign Currency Fixed Deposit today.
Enjoy world-class benefits to suit your lifestyle with Standard Chartered Credit Cards.
Tailored to your needs, with all the value you deserve
A comprehensive package to own your dream home
Standard Chartered Securities (B) Sdn Bhd was established to ensure that we can focus solely on building solutions to protect, grow and distribute your wealth.
Offers accredited investors greater access to bonds in various currencies, and across geographies and sectors
Gold Premium Currency Investment offers higher interest rates and potential gains from gold price movements
We’re offering a selection of unit trusts that are Syariah compliant
Achieve your financial goals by investing in Islamic Investments
Premium Currency Investment offers higher interest rates and potential gains from FX fluctuations
To seize the best opportunities, we offer a wide selection of funds to suit any investment appetite and time frame
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