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  • Our long-term ambition

    Resetting globalisation

    Find out why we are advocating for a more sustainable and inclusive model of globalisation.

A new model for globalisation

Globalisation has brought about decades of economic growth and higher living standards, but many developing markets and smaller businesses have been left behind. Therefore, we are advocating for a new model to make it work equitably for all through these five pillars:

How can we catalyse change?

Hear from industry leaders and our senior colleagues about the solutions we are exploring to make globalisation more sustainable and inclusive.

An electric car being charged.

Driving towards a more sustainable future

Electric vehicle adoption has been gaining traction, but more needs to be done to accelerate progress to a net zero future. Hear what French energy giant ENGIE and Chinese EV maker BYD are doing and what more is needed to move towards a sustainable future.

A fishing boat uses nets.

Listen to expert discussions

From how investing in our oceans can help tackle climate change to how global trade would look like in the next 50 years, our senior leaders and industry experts will take you inside the topics shaping the future of our world.