Sustainable investing
Future proofing your portfolios
We can help identify a sustainable investment approach that best matches your personal values
Sustainable investing framework
Companies with negligible or low Sustainalytics’ ESG Risk Rating
Issuers with low ESG Risk Rating and green certification
Mutual funds / ETFs
Products backed by internal framework and in-depth analysis.
Structured products
Approved issuers and assets part of the SI universe.
What ESG ratings mean for you
ESG ratings are a numerical measure of how a company is perceived to be performing on environmental, social and governance (ESG) topics.
A lower ESG-risk rating is better and means that the company is less exposed to ESG risks and better at managing them.
Equities and bonds are screened with ESG Select screen, and companies flagged by our screens are excluded.
Our role in sustainable investment

Invest with a purpose
Access investment opportunities supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

ESG partners
Only partners who have considered environmental, social or governance risks in formulating their investment strategies

Clarity and transparency
We partner industry experts like Morningstar and Sustainalytics to define our SI range
Debunking ESG investing myths
Myth 1: ESG underperforms
Many studies have debunked the idea that you have to sacrifice financial gains to make a positive impact. A 2020 research from data provider Morningstar examining the long-term performance of a sample of sustainable funds shows that the majority of these funds have done better than non-ESG funds over one, three, five and 10 years.
Myth 2: The “feel good” factor
Sustainable investing is more than doing good, it can be a longer-term measurement of a company’s financial health and returns. In fact, applying ESG factors provides yet another risk management lens.
Myth 3: Just climate change
Beyond just the environmental factors, sustainable investing also addresses corporate governance and social factors, business ethics and supply chain issues.
Our range of products offers growth opportunities associated with long-term trends, while helping you make an impact in the world.
Sustainable finance products
Our range of products offers growth opportunities associated with long-term trends, while helping you make an impact in the world.