here for the full Christmas Carnival 2020 Promotion Terms and Conditions that apply. The Christmas Carnival 2020 Promotion (“
Promotion”) is available from 3 November 2020 to 31 December 2020 (both dates inclusive) (the “
Promotion Period”). The Promotion is open to all principal cardholders of credit cards issued by Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited (“
Bank”) (each a “
Card”). Each principal cardholder of a Card shall be referred to as an “
Eligible Cardholder”. To participate in the Promotion, Eligible Cardholders must successfully register during the Registration Period, from 1 November to 29 December 2020 (both dates inclusive) (“
Registration Period”). 2 calendar days from the time of registration is required for successful registration for the Promotion. To register for the Promotion, Eligible Cardholders must send an SMS composed in the following format: “XMAS20” (Example: XMAS20) to 77222 or +65 8318 4584 (if not in Singapore) from his/her mobile number that that has been registered with the Bank (“
Bank Registered Mobile Number”). An acknowledgement of successful registration will be sent to the Eligible Cardholder’s Bank Registered Mobile Number. Upon successful registration for the Promotion, all of the Eligible Cardholder’s validly existing Cards (i.e. not suspended, cancelled and/or terminated) which are in good standing, and conducted in a proper and satisfactory manner, as determined by the Bank, will be registered for the Promotion (such successfully registered card(s) to be referred to as a “
Registered Card” and the cardholder of such Registered Card, a “
Registered Cardholder”). Registered Cardholders who have changed or updated their Bank Registered Mobile Number will have to re-register for the Promotion using their new Bank Registered Mobile Number. Failure to re-register will mean that the Eligible Cardholder will not be eligible for the Promotion. To qualify, Registered Cardholders must charge a single retail transaction to a Registered Card that: a) is of an amount of S$100 or more; b) has a transaction date falling within the Promotion Period; c) has been successfully posted to a Registered Card account during the Promotion Period; and d) is not an excluded transaction (as set out at Clause 24 of the Christmas Carnival 2020 Promotion Terms and Conditions) (each such transaction fulfilling all limbs of this clause hereinafter referred to as a “
Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transaction”). The first 160,000 Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transactions charged which are each of an amount between S$100 and S$499.99 (inclusive of both amounts) (a “
Tier A Winning Transaction”) and the first 40,000 Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transactions which are each at least S$500 (a “
Tier B Winning Transaction”) will each be randomly assigned a unique URL by an automated computerised system. A SMS containing this unique URL (“
Christmas Carnival SMS”) will be sent to the Registered Cardholder’s Bank Registered Mobile Number when such Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transaction is either a Tier A Winning Transaction or Tier B Winning Transaction. Christmas Carnival SMSes will only be sent to the Registered Cardholders of the first 200,000 Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transactions, consisting specifically of the first 160,000 Tier A Winning Transactions and the first 40,000 Tier B Winning Transactions, to reveal a cashback prize of up to S$1,000. Each Registered Cardholder is eligible for 1 unique URL sent via 1 SMS for every Tier A Winning Transaction or Tier B Winning Transaction made except that a Registered Cardholder can only receive a maximum of 3 unique URLs per day. If the Registered Cardholder makes more than 3 Tier A Winning Transactions or Tier B Winning Transactions in a day, the Registered Cardholder will only receive the unique URLs for the first 3 of the Tier A Winning Transactions or Tier B Winning Transactions which occurred on the same day. “
Winning Cardholder” refers to the Registered Cardholder of each Tier A Winning Transaction or Tier B Winning Transaction. All cashback will be credited to the relevant Winning Cardholders’ Registered Card account used to charge the corresponding Christmas Carnival Qualifying Transaction by 31 March 2021.