Sustainable investing amidst COVID-19

As countries begin to emerge from lockdowns and economies restart, all eyes are on whether there will be a pivot to a sustainable way forward. In our recent Sustainable Investing Review 2020 survey, we found that despite recent disruptions, interest in sustainable investment continues to grow.
We caught up with Eugenia Koh, Head, Sustainable Investing and Engagement Strategy, Private Banking, who shared insights on how COVID-19 has impacted sustainable investing and what investors should look out for as governments and companies rebuild our economy towards a more resilient one.
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Read our latest thematic Wealth Management advisory report on Sustainable Investing for more insights.
“Investors should continue educating themselves on the solutions being presented to them and not be misled by exaggerated claims or false claims about the impact of the investment on social issues.”
Sustainable Investing Review 2020
How has COVID-19 impacted investor interest in sustainable investments?
Download the report
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