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Diversify your portfolio with Debt Securities Services, i.e. Bonds and Structured Notes

Important Note:                                                
Structured notes are structured products involving derivatives. The investment decision is yours but you should not purchase such products unless the intermediary who sells it to you has explained to you that the product is suitable for you in regards to your financial situation, investment experience and investment objectives                                                

Debt Securities Services

Debt Securities Services provide you with various choices of bonds and structured notes to help you diversify your portfolio and achieve your investment goals.

What are bonds?

Bond is a debt instrument where the bond issuer issues the bond for purchase. It is also known as fixed income security, as a bond usually gives regular or fixed return.

Typical bond issuers include: Sovereign entities, Governments/Government agencies, Banks, Non-bank financial institutions, & Corporations.

What are structured notes?

Structured Notes is a debt instrument, embedded with derivatives, which provides you an opportunity to enjoy a potential return or yield enhancement linked to the performance of the underlying assets. You may customise the terms with different asset classes, flexible structures, level of capital protection and investment tenures to match with your investment objectives.

What are the bonds features?

How does bond work?
For Illustrative Purposes Only
A client would like to invest in Bond A on 1st July 2017 with bond features as below:
Client Buying Price 102%
Face Value US$100,000
Coupon Rate / Payout Frequency / Payout Date 5% p.a. / Once a Year / 31 December
Bond Tenor / Bond Maturity Date 4.5 Years / 31 December 2021
Purchase of Bond
Client Buying Bond at Bond Price of 102% US$100,000 x 102% = US$102,000
6-month Accrued Interest Paid to Seller US$100,000 x 5%p.a. x 6 / 12 = US$2,500
Total Investment Amount Required US$102,000 + US$2,500

= US$104,500

Case 1: Holding the Bond until Maturity
Client will receive coupon interest every year until maturity (i.e. 5 coupon payments in total during 2017 – 2021) and the bond face value on the maturity date.
Coupon Payment Received US$$100,000 x 5%p.a. x 5 (i.e. 5 years)

= US$25,000

Bond Face Value upon Maturity US$100,000
Total Receivable US$25,000 + US$100,000 = US$125,000
Total Return US$125,000 – US$104,500
= US$20,500
Case 2: Sell the Bond on 1st Oct 2018 (i.e. 1.25 years later) at the Bond Price of 105%
Client will receive funds from selling the bond with bond price of 105% plus the accrued interest paid by buyer for holding the bond for 9 months after previous coupon payment on 31 December 2017.
Client Selling Bond at Bond Price of 105% US$100,000 x 105% = US$105,000
Coupon Payment Received by Client on 31 Dec 2017 US$100,000 x 5%p.a. = US$5,000
Accrued Interest Received from Buyer US$100,000 x 5%p.a. x 9 / 12 = US$3,750
Total Receivable US$105,000 + US$5,000 + US$3,750 = US$113,750
Total Return US$113,750 – US$104,500

= US$9,250

Case 3: Sell the Bond on 1st Oct 2018 (i.e. 1.25 years later) at the Bond Price of 94%
Client will receive funds from selling the bond with bond price of 94% plus the accrued interest paid by buyer for holding the bond for 9 months after previous coupon payment on 31 December 2017.
Client Selling Bond at Bond Price of 94% US$100,000 x 94% = US$94,000
Coupon Payment Received by Client on 31 Dec 2017 US$100,000 x 5%p.a. = US$5,000
Accrued Interest Received from Buyer US$100,000 x 5%p.a. x 9 /12 = US$3,750
Total Receivable US$94,000 + US$5,000 + US$3,750 = US$102,750
Total Return US$102,750 – US$104,500

= – US$1,750 (Loss)

What are structured notes?
  • Local & Global Equities
  • Commodities
  • Interest Rates
  • Currencies
  • Indices
  • Hybrid Assets
  • 100% Principal Protected
  • Partial Principal Protected
  • Non-Principal Protected
  • Short Term (from 2 months to 1 year)
  • Medium to Long Term (more than 1 year)
  • Early Redemption Feature
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Risk Disclosure Statement

  • The price of bonds/structured notes can and does fluctuate and the price of any individual bonds/structured notes may experience upward or downward movements and may even become valueless. There is an inherent risk that losses may be incurred rather than profits made as a result of trading bonds/structured notes. Independent assessment of the risk and appropriateness of the transaction in light of your own objectives and circumstances, including the possible risks and benefits of entering into such transaction, should be considered before entering into any transaction.


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