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The Prime Rate is relatively stable and enables you to enjoy more control over your interest expenses with less volatility.

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Stable prime rate enables you to enjoy more control over your interest expenses.

The Prime Rate is relatively stable and enables you to enjoy more control over your interest expenses with less volatility.

Prime-based Mortgage Plan

photos, passport, map, and a hand holding a key with a house keychain

Important Notes:

  • Terms and conditions apply. For details, please contact our branch staff.
  • If you have a mortgage facility (which is not a linking facility, MortgageOne facility, Mortgage $aver or mortgage overdraft) with the mortgage deposit linked feature, the deposit in your mortgage deposit linked account (up to our pre-determined percentage of the mortgage loan outstanding principal) will accrue the same interest rate that applies to your mortgage loan outstanding principal on any particular day.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!