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Dual currency on one card offers you convenience and flexibility for settlement and repayment.

Standard Chartered UnionPay Dual Currency Platinum Credit Card

Dual currency on one card offers you convenience and flexibility for settlement and repayment.


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Transactions made in Mainland China will be posted to your CNY account and you can choose to repay either in CNY or HKD. Transactions made in Hong Kong and overseas will be posted to your HKD account and be repaid in HKD.

HKD Account CNY Account
Payment Options Settle Payment in HKD Settle Payment in CNY Settle Payment in HKD
Phone Banking
Cash deposit machine
(merchant code: 21)
Online Banking

1. Customers must make repayment to the outstanding balance of the HKD and CNY accounts separately. Amounts overpaid to one account will not be credited to the other account.

2. Owing to fluctuations in exchange rates, customers are advised to check the CNY reference exchange rate at You may consider paying 5% in excess of your outstanding amount as a buffer to avoid any interest incurred due to a shortfall arising from exchange rate fluctuation.

+HKD and CNY balances should be repaid in two separate cheques and marked clearly with “HKD account” or “CNY account” with the respective account number on the back of cheques.

Tips for Using Our Dual Currency Credit Card
  • Activate your Card with your HKD account number to enjoy the spending privileges.
  • You can use your HKD account number to enquire for both HKD and CNY account details.
  • No additional PIN is required upon making transactions. If you are asked to enter a PIN, you are advised to say “NO” or just input 6 digits of “0” and press “Enter”.
  • The consolidated statement will show the detailed transaction records including statement balance, minimum payment amount and Rewards Points summary of your HKD and CNY accounts respectively.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
